(I can now collaborate with multiple people on Evernote.)
(New feature is the "work chat".)
Evernote上で作成、又は、アップしたファイルを複数人で共有しながら議論できる機能のようです。(Created on Evernote, or, it seems to be the ability to debate while sharing the uploaded file in more than one person.)
Google Driveでも類似のことはできますが、本当の同一画面で完結するというのがEvernoteの新しい点のような気がします。
(You can similar even Google Drive, but is that to complete a true same screen I feel like Evernote of new points.)
(I do not know because it does not use yet, but I think a little Na looks interesting features.)
(From now on, while sharing the data that is stored in the cloud, I Will become the era of the joint work by connecting a remote location.)
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