(When I travel to overseas, I like to observe local people's daily life rather than tourist destination tour)
(So I often go to the shopping mall and supermarket where local people use.)
(When I stroll around downtown in Singapore,I encountered the "Lion Dance")
(Different from Japanese style Lion Dance as a tourism resources, I feel Singapore Lion Dance is fixed in local people's life as New Year's Event.)
(This is Lion Dance Movie.)
現地の人に高級住宅街を教えてもらい、前副市長やジャッキー・チェンも不動産所有をしているという噂のBukitima・Sixth Aveも見学してきました。
(I got the information about high class residential area from local people, I visited "Bukitima・Sixth Ave" where there is a rumar ex-vice mayer, Jacky Chen also love.)
(Many Singaporian live in apertment house because Singapore doesn't have vast land, but there are many big house and elegant atmosphere in this area.)
コチラの地図をご覧いただければわかりますが、Sixth Aveの他にFifthAveもあります。
(There is also "Fifth Ave" added to Sixth Ave as follow.)
ひょっとするとNYのFifth Aveを意識した地名なのかもしれませんね。
(I guess Fifth Ave is influenced from NY' s one.)
Sixth Aveエリアは地下鉄は建設中ということで、今回はバスで訪問してみました。
(This time I visited Sixth Ave by Bus, because MTR to this area is now under construction.)
(GoogleMap’s transpotation guide is very effective in Singapore, foreigners for the first time can also use bus safely.)
(It is very fun to see the area where you can't go by MTR from the bus seat.)
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