先日、出張先でPhoto Sphereで360度パノラマを撮影し、Google Mapにアップしたら次の連絡メールがきました。
(A 360-degree panorama taken with Photo Sphere, following contact mail came Once you up in Google Map.)
Google Map ビューのページがあるんですね、知りませんでした。
(When you click the "profile of view" in the e-mail statement we were able to access to the next page.)
Google Mapを経由せずに、世界各地のストリートビューを楽しむことができます。
(Without going through the Google Map, you can enjoy the street view of the world.)
(They will also show where you do not expect, there is also new to encounter such a fun book in the bookstore.)
(They will also show where you do not expect, there is also new to encounter such a fun book in the bookstore.)
Google Map上でどこに多くの写真がアップされてるかもみることができます。
(Where many of the photos and you can also see if they are up on the Google Map. Now, I can also be used to look for the popularity of the place.)
(I can enjoy a pseudo-world trip and are web surfing on this site.)
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