Google フォト"アシスタント"のムービー機能が便利なのでご紹介します。
(Movie function of Google Photos "Assistant" will introduce because it is convenient.)
(Movie function of Google Photos "Assistant" will introduce because it is convenient.)
Google フォト"アシスタント"とは、スマホで写真とある程度の枚数を撮影するとGoogle フォト"アシスタントが自動的に写真を色々に加工してくれる機能です。
Google フォトアプリの"アシスタント"をアップすると次のように色々な機能が表示されます。
(The Google Photos "assistant", is a photo and if you take a picture of a certain degree of the number of features that will variously processed automatically photo Google Photos "assistant in the smartphone.
If you up the "assistant" in the Google Photos app various functions as follows it will be displayed.)
(This time, we introduce because it was especially useful to try using the movie.
For even already to some extent Google photo was automatically generated, it can be changed in a variety of formats, such as "Memories" below.)
(You can choose a variety of stations from a variety of genres for the BGM.)
(You can choose a variety of stations from a variety of genres for the BGM.)
(You can also add new photos and videos.)
(You can also add new photos and videos.)
(MovieCreater of Xperia also but there is a similar function, it will lower the hurdle of moving image created when you take advantage of this kind of function.)
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