(I found the Office preview version of how to obtain for Android smartphone, immediately tried to install.)
Google+のMicrosoft Office for Androidコミュニティーにある Google Playストアのリンクから入手できるようです。
(It can be obtained from the Google Play Store link in the Microsoft Office for Android community of Google+.)
Google Playでテスターとなることを了承すると、テスト版をダウンロードできます。
(When you understand that to be a tester in Google Play, you can download the test version.)
(UI does not change much with the Office for the iPhone.)
(Since being distributed already the official version is more than seven inches of Android tablet, and not far the day that the official version will be distributed for the smartphone.)
(The screen manner is easy to work towards the tablet, but as long as it is a little editing on the go, is more convenient smartphone that can work even while standing)
(Although already apparent your If you have been a presentation at iPhone + Keynote + small projector, of which appeared likely to be those who are presentations in Android + PPT)