(Google I is a new Google Photos that have been published in / O 2015, but had been able to use the new version immediately in Chrome on your Mac.)
(When you first launch the "photo" is such a simple explanation is displayed.)
1600万画素まで無料無制限でアップロードされるのは凄いですね。これでほとんどのスマホの写真は問題なくアップできると思います。(When you first launch the "photo" is such a simple explanation is displayed.)
(It is amazing is being uploaded free unlimited up to 16 million pixels. Photos of most of the smartphone in this is I think the can up without any problems.)
(Sony of Xperia but is 20.7 million pixels, you use most often premium auto because it is 8 million pixels.)
(Start the photo in Chrome, it is various menu is displayed as shown in the photo below when you click on the tab in the upper left of the three lines.)
("Collection" is like the one that corresponds to the previous "album".)
(A new application for the "photo" for Mac also had become to be able to download this time.)
(When you click the "PC uploader" of the photo on the left above, you can download.)
(When you sign in with your Google account you will see the following setting screen.It is convenient to back up from a library of iPhoto / Aperture.)
(You are allowed a favorite from the "Photo" era as part of Google+ features, but I could use the more convenient.)