そこで、XperiaZ1→Z3のデーター移行をSony Bridge for Macで実施してみました。
まずは、Xperia Transfeerウィザードを立ち上げます。
(XperiaZ1 → Z3 data migration was tried conducted at Sony Bridge for Mac.
First of all, we will launch the Xperia Transfeer wizard.)
(XperiaZ1 → Z3 data migration was tried conducted at Sony Bridge for Mac.
First of all, we will launch the Xperia Transfeer wizard.)
(You choose the terminal that then back up the original data.)
古いZ1のデーターは既にMacにバックアップ済ですので「ローカルバックアップ」を選択します。(You choose the terminal that then back up the original data.)
(Old Z1 data of I already select the "Local Backup" because it is already backed up to the Mac.)
(Then select the displayed terminal (Z1).)
(Then select the displayed terminal (Z1).)
(Then select the data you want to copy to the Z3.)
次に全てをXperiaに移行するか、連絡先はGoogleアカウントに移行するか選択します。(Then select the data you want to copy to the Z3.)
(Then, the process proceeds all the Xperia, or contact and then select whether to migrate to a Google Account.)
("OK," the transition to Z3 of the data of the click to the Z1 will begin.)
("OK," the transition to Z3 of the data of the click to the Z1 will begin.)
(When the data migration is complete you will see the following screen.)
(When the data migration is complete you will see the following screen.)
ただ、iPhone&iTunesのようにアプリのコピーはしてくれず、Google Playから再ダウンロードしなければいけないのは、ちょっと面倒でした。
(Because we SSID Wi-Fi and PW also been transferred, this was convenient there is no need to redo the setting.
However, not me app copy of as iPhone & iTunes, You will need to be re-downloaded from Google Play, it was a little cumbersome.)
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